Updated: 2010-08-31 21:42:19

New ClimbUp Eco-friendly Bed Bug Interceptors
Take control of your Bed Bug problem with the eco-friendly ClimbUp®
The ClimbUp® insect interceptor forms a barrier between floor and bed.
Bed bugs approaching bed from room will climb up exterior surface and fall into the outer pitfall ring. Bed bugs climbing down from bed will ...
Updated: 2010-08-26 19:05:00
Blog Press Releases Pest News Clark Events Haiti Relief Video Charli the Tarantula and Friends Follow Clark Pest Control Subscribe to our blog Your : email Free quote Free quotes , same-day and Saturday service available . Contact Clark Pest today Posts by popularity Curious about Orange Oil for termite and Insect control Rodents City closes West Rogers Park CVS Pharmacy Carpenter Ant Nest Exposed Spider Control Beware of Brown Recluse , Black Widow Spiders Praying Mantis Catches Hummingbird Caught on Film Common But Illegal Pest Control Products That Cause Injuries Deadly spiders found in county Big Hairy Spiders . The tarantula and its bad reputation New York Bed Bug Infestations on the Rise Myths and Urban legends about Spiders . Fact or Fiction Haiti Relief Project Haiti Video Haiti
Updated: 2010-08-19 16:58:15
As summer 2010 continues to be the summer of the bed bug, the media has continued to turn to NPMA for advice. Hopefully you caught NPMAs Missy Henriksen on the TODAY show with Matt Lauer this morning for the second time in as many months as she offered bed bug prevention and detection tips. If you missed it, check out the segment for all of Missys tips. With the news of...
Updated: 2010-08-16 17:27:00
Blog Press Releases Pest News Clark Events Haiti Relief Video Charli the Tarantula and Friends Follow Clark Pest Control Subscribe to our blog Your : email Free quote Free quotes , same-day and Saturday service available . Contact Clark Pest today Posts by popularity Curious about Orange Oil for termite and Insect control Rodents City closes West Rogers Park CVS Pharmacy Carpenter Ant Nest Exposed Spider Control Beware of Brown Recluse , Black Widow Spiders Praying Mantis Catches Hummingbird Caught on Film Common But Illegal Pest Control Products That Cause Injuries Deadly spiders found in county Big Hairy Spiders . The tarantula and its bad reputation New York Bed Bug Infestations on the Rise Myths and Urban legends about Spiders . Fact or Fiction Haiti Relief Project Haiti Video Haiti
Updated: 2010-08-12 18:59:50

How To Get Rid Of Fleas!
Rave Reviews!
Roaches Share Hot Dining Tips!
Landscaper Stung To Death!
National Colorectal Cancer Month.
Pennywise, Million Dollar Foolish.
Updated: 2010-08-10 20:56:00
Blog Press Releases Pest News Clark Events Haiti Relief Video Charli the Tarantula and Friends Follow Clark Pest Control Subscribe to our blog Your : email Free quote Free quotes , same-day and Saturday service available . Contact Clark Pest today Posts by popularity Curious about Orange Oil for termite and Insect control Rodents City closes West Rogers Park CVS Pharmacy Carpenter Ant Nest Exposed Spider Control Beware of Brown Recluse , Black Widow Spiders Praying Mantis Catches Hummingbird Caught on Film Common But Illegal Pest Control Products That Cause Injuries Deadly spiders found in county Big Hairy Spiders . The tarantula and its bad reputation New York Bed Bug Infestations on the Rise Myths and Urban legends about Spiders . Fact or Fiction Haiti Relief Project Haiti Video Haiti
Updated: 2010-08-09 00:29:00
: Pest Control Information and Facts Information about roaches , bed bugs , ants , bees , wasps , mice , rats , and creatures of all . kinds Sunday , August 08, 2010 Dorm Room Bed Bugs Means Back To School The right of passage for many a college freshman is the being on your own in a dorm or apartment . I must now scare you , be afraid , be very afraid . Dorm room bed bug problems are becoming as prevalent on college campuses as the very degrees they offer . If you are a freshman going into your new dorm room or if you are a senior returning to the dorm or apartment , the first thing you should do is check your bed and other furniture before you move anything in . If mom and dad have some dough , then I would ask them to hire a bed bug dog to inspect the dorm room or apartment . This will
Updated: 2010-08-08 00:21:00
: Pest Control Information and Facts Information about roaches , bed bugs , ants , bees , wasps , mice , rats , and creatures of all . kinds Saturday , August 07, 2010 Big Roach My sister called me freaking out because she found an American roach in her bathroom and now my nephew will not use the bathroom . American roaches can be intimidating and down right scary , but they don't always mean you have to panic right away . These large roaches are known in the city as sewer roaches , many times they appear when there is street work being done or pipes out int he street are being replaced . They can also appear in the home if there is a broken sewer line that you may be unaware of . In the latter case , these big roaches can be a blessing in disguise , alerting you to a much larger problem .
Updated: 2010-08-04 16:02:29
Here is a great video R came across that tells your how to maintain your lawn in the summer time.